Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Book Orders DUE!

Scholastic book orders are due! I will placing any orders turned in by the weekend. Many of you have already placed an online order, which has been approved and ready to ship shortly. If you have an order to turn into me please do so over the next couple days. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!


Homework pages and a new spelling list came home this week! Spelling also included the extra three challenge words. Please help your child to develop a routine throughout the week to complete their assignments sent home on Mondays! 
Starting Friday, I will be sending new spelling words for the following week. In doing this I hope to give families an extra couple of days over the weekend to practice those tricky spelling words. Please look for new spelling lists on Friday instead of Mondays. 
Thank you for your continued support!!

Monday, September 29, 2014

SS - What is a community?

In Social Studies, students have begun discussing what a community is. They learned that a community is a place where people live, work, play, and solve problems together. Students observed their surroundings on their way to school and home to see what they noticed in their community. They brought back their observations to discuss with their small group and to compare findings. It was really interesting to hear the questions students asked one another of what they saw in the continued conversation back and forth. Even though some live in the same surroundings, they noticed different aspects of their community. 

Transplanting and Thinning

Over the past week the students have been observing their plants, thinning and transplanting. To maintain a healthy garden, students are periodically thinning and transplanting to give their plants the best possible growing conditions. Their job is to ensure that each plant will have ample space, light, food, water and air circulation. They are pretty excited when Science rolls around to see what changes their plant has made!    

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Students brought homework home tonight! This is due on Friday, 9-26. They are to find as many different combinations of 13 that they can, along with other ways to show the number 13. We have done MANY of Today's Number in the classroom and this should be review. 

Pocket Day!

Pocket Day #2! Students were informed yesterday that pocket day would be the following day. Many wore clothes that were plastered with pockets, which means our number of pockets went up, even though our number of students went down. We used a different method of finding the total of pockets. This time we listed all pocket numbers for each student on the board and students had to work as a group to combine different numbers to reach the end. They did awesome! Students found doubles, combinations of 10, counted by 2's, 5's, and 10's. Then they added in the leftovers, and finally came to the end number. Noah was able to add our grand total up, giving us a sum of 89 pockets! They were pretty excited...thank goodness recess followed :) 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Book Order

Scholastic Book orders are coming home today! 
Please take a moment to look through all the wonderful books to order. 
You are welcome to do online orders whenever you like, as often as you like. 
Paper order forms and checks (NO CASH PLEASE) are due back on Wednesday, October 1. 
Let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns. 

Weekly Homework 9/23 - 9/26

Homework pages and new spelling words came home this week. I will be posting both at the beginning of each week just in case anyone has any questions or loses their spelling words. Please make sure your child is also practicing the challenge words!
Everything should be done by Friday! 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Make 10

A new math game! Students used a deck of number cards to lay out four rows of four. Each partner had to find a combination of 10 using only two cards, then recorded their combinations. The game was over when there are no more cards or there are no more cards to make combinations of 10. This game helps students develop fluency, find two addends to make 10, and use equations to record.  

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Constitution Day!

Today was Constitution Day! Students put together and read a small book explaining Constitution Day. Afterwards they did a writing activity. They created their own law to add to the Constitution and had to explain why. Look for these coming home today! 


Today the students finished up planting their seeds! They each have a styrofoam pod with fertilizer, dirt, seeds, and a wick. The wick goes from the dirt to the white pad the pods sit on. One end of the pad is soaked in water to keep the pad moist, which keeps the wick moist and then keeps the soil moist. Quite the process :) Now we watch and learn as they grow!   

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Students learned a new math game, Plus 1 or 2 Bingo. They used a deck of digit cards, taking turns with a partner. They drew cards and were able to add one or two to their number to give them a sum to  match a number in their row. The game was over when all numbers in their row were covered. They did an awesome job helping one another instead of trying to compete! This game helps strengthen skills and strategies of counting and developing fluency with plus one and plus two addition combinations.   

Friday, September 12, 2014

Tiny Topics

This week, during Writers Workshop, students are starting to develop "Tiny Topics" that will help create small moments within our personal narrative unit. Students have sticky notes they are posting in their writing folders (and their communicators) to collect little, tiny details to use in their stories. They might think of these at lunch, at home, on the playground - whenever they have a good idea or remember something they want to write, they just jot it down. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Plant Seeds

During our plant unit today students had the opportunity to explore and record their observations of dry seeds with magnifying glasses. At the end of the lesson students placed their seeds in water to sit overnight. We made predictions for what we thought the seeds might do, turn into, or what might occurred after being submerged in water. Tomorrow during science student will observe what happened and record their discoveries. 

Inside Recess FUN

During inside recess today students had an option of using the pattern blocks. 
The creativity was incredible...they were very proud of themselves...and I was very impressed!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Library on Mondays!

Today was our first day of library! Students were able to get the rules and expectations of the library from Mrs. Tandy and listen to a story. Afterwards students were able to check out not one but TWO books. Using the learned five finger rule of finding "good fit books," students found one book for home and one book for their book bin at school. Both books are due back next Monday. Please help your child develop a Sunday night routine to get their books to school for Mondays library class. 

Stamina Building

Our day begins with Readers Workshop in the classroom! Students are building their stamina during read to self and jotting down evidence as they respond to their reading. 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

NWEA Schedule
McNitt - Second Grade

Wednesday, September 10

Tuesday, September 16

* Please make sure your child gets plenty of rest the night before and has a healthy breakfast the morning of.