Monday, January 27, 2020

Timeline Events

A small piece of homework came home with all students today. Please read through the note and then have all students timeline events back to school by Thursday, Jan. 30th.
Thank you!

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Field Trip

Weather turned in our favor! The field trip to Boardman Nature Center was a success! Students went on a beautiful hike and then headed inside to explore and continue learning. 
Thank you to all parent volunteers who were able to join us and help chaperone!



Over the past couple of weeks students have been exploring measurement and understanding the different units of measuring. They have learned how to estimate a length and then find its accurate measurement. Rulers are being used to measure to the nearest whole number. 
We took it to the next step by taking measurements and building a line plot to display our data. This connection to measurement will also take students into exploring more types of graph and data.
See if you can also have them explore around the house as they practice measuring the different items at home in cm and in.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Westwoods Fundraiser

Please sign up and come join us for a super fun night for a wonderful cause!!

Friday Field Trip


The words are done! All students devoted the time to really think about the steps needed to achieve their word goal. AWESOME work! These are all on our classroom door so we can continue to work on our word goals. 
Stop and take a look!
 In addition to exploring their own words. Students grouped together and found words of their own that our classroom as a whole need to work on for the year. We put all words together and discussed what words would be the best and why. Then students voted on the three that should be at the top of the list.