Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Our Poster Made it Overseas!


Lunch Menu This Week

 Monday 2/22 - Mac & Cheese
Tuesday 2/23 - Chicken Tenders
Wednesday 2/24 - Cooks Surprise
Thursday 2/25 - Whole Grain Pizza
Friday 2/26 Meat Lovers Stromboli

Tuesday, February 16, 2021


We have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes within Unit 3 of Math. For some added fun we made a shape city. Students had different shaped buildings, windows and doors that connected to all the shapes we are learning in class. Enjoy these at home! 

Lunch This Week

 Monday 2/8 - No School
Tuesday 2/16 - Mozzarella Breadsticks
Wednesday 2/17 - Turkey Cheese Wrap with Lettuce & Tomato
Thursday 2/18 - Hot Dog
Friday 2/19 - No School

Monday, February 15, 2021

Peace Lessons

 Last Friday we started our Peace Lessons with Mrs. Sulecki! 
Image result for peace clipart
Most kids already know what to expect with Peace Lessons, since many classrooms last year did this. However, this year we will build on previous years topics. Mrs. Sulecki is always the one who has lead peace talks. She is our school social worker, who we all know and love. We will have our peace lessons each Friday afternoon for twenty minutes. Make sure to ask your child what they learned in last weeks lesson. These are life lessons that we use in the classroom, at Westwoods, and even outside of school in our daily lives. Extremely valuable!

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Parent Teacher Conference Sign-Up was included in last week's Westwoods Weekly Newsletter.
Please sign up if you haven't already.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Warning Signs

 Last week we our Journeys anchor text was The Signmakers Assistant. It was about an assistant, Norman, who took over making signs. Students were to create their own sign that could be hung up at Westwoods as a friendly reminder for all people to follow. We had a lot of fun with this! They are on display and will come home in a couple weeks!

Monday, February 8, 2021

Report Card Envelope

Report cards came home Monday, Feb. 8th.
Please removed all report cards and return envelope only to school signed.
Thank you!

Lunch this Week

Monday 2/8 - Chicken Tenders 
Tuesday 2/9 - Peanut Butter & Jelly
Wednesday 2/10 - Whole Grain Cheese Pizza 
Thursday 2/11 - Chicken Patty on a Bun
Friday 2/12 -  Meat Lovers Stromboli

Thank you!

 Mrs. McPherson's (second grade) nephew is in the Airforce. We sent him and his crew a THANK YOU for all they are doing! Students were really excited to show their appreciation! It has been sent off to be a poster in their station.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Global Play Day

Play Day was a HUGE success!!
The much needed play break was a busy and super fun day. The kids did amazing with their behavior and responsibilities of the day. We ended on a conversation for the day where we talked about the highs and lows, and what to differently next time. Great discussion! Due to such a wonderful day, the students earned PJ day for our Feb. 12th Valentines Celebration!