Monday, May 31, 2021

Coming This Week

This week we are exploring under the sea!
We have two projects this week and looking for two items.
1. Plastic bags - These bags are the plastic grocery bags given at checkout. The free ones :)
2. Plastic disposable water bottles - Any size and shape works! Please remove labels before bringing in water bottles.

 Tuesday* O: Outside
We are going to do as much learning as we can OUTSIDE!

Wednesday* P: Play Day & Pick Your Seat

Thursday* Q: Questions
Bring up to 3 (appropriate) questions to ask Mrs. McNitt

Friday* R: Read & Relax
Students can bring a favorite book from home to read, blanket/towel to sit on, or a tablet (for reading only in the classroom).


We hope you both had an AWESOME birthday weekend!!

N is for Necktie, Necklace & New Name

AND a New Name!

Friday, May 28, 2021

M is for Memories

Take a look on the back of each camera for all the memories we experienced this year! Some are very unique to our 2020-2021 school year!

L is for Lucky & Legos

It was a fun fiLLed day!
Each student popped a balloon with a LUCKY surprise inside while later learning about Lego's!

Thursday, May 27, 2021