Wednesday, June 15, 2022

ABC: Z - Zoom Out

GREAT last day of school & GREAT second grade year!!
Every single student in my classroom worked SO very hard this year and grew into AMAZING little humans! 
Congrats to all my second graders as they are now third graders!
Hard to say good bye, but I will each and everyone the best of luck!
You deserve a fun filled summer!!


ABC: Y - You plan the DAY!

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Last Week of ABC Countdown!

2 1/2 DAYS LEFT! Crazy to think we are done this week! Yet we still have more fun coming!

Monday - eXtra Recess & eXchange Autographs
Tuesday - Y - YOU Day - Kids Plan the Day
Wednesday - Z -
 Zoom Out!! Zoom into Summer!
*Please send in a large, handled bag, for your child next Monday & Tuesday to take home workbooks, school supplies, locker items, etc.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

And Done!

 We finished our LAST book study of the year today!
Wonder was amazing read! Almost all students followed it until the end. Great read to end on! Now we can watch the video of Wonder for V day!

I did tell the students that there is a book they recommend for after Wonder. Augie & Me: Three Wonder Stories. We went through the summary for each chapter so they have an idea. I told them it could be a good summer read. However, I have not read it.