Library class is Friday!
Please make sure you bring back library books by Friday morning to check out new books during library class!
Thursday, September 28, 2023
Return Your Library Books
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Sept. Scholastic Book Sponsor!
Sunday, September 24, 2023
Currently in Math
Go Team!
As one of our introductory activities to 2nd grade, we came up with team/group names for each set of 4 or 5 students! This helps groups move to the hallway, get in line, gather items, etc. Each group collected one another's interests and then developed a name from there. Names were very creative and extremely interesting!
The Planning!
Monday, September 18, 2023
LA: Journeys
Language Arts this week! Here is our focus.
We started Lesson one last week and will finish it up this week. NWEA testing has stretched out our learning a bit. We usually do one lesson per week which is filled with a large amount of content, on top of supplemental material I also throw in.
Henry and Mudge is always a favorite to start out the school year with!
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Testing This Week
Friday was our FIRST library class!
We have Library every Friday morning
Mrs. Krissie is our NEW library teacher!
Students were able to meet Mrs. Krissie, talk about the library expectations, hear about all the changes in the library, and play a fun game to get to know one another.
**Please remind your child to have their books turned in each week by Friday in order to check out a new book at library that day.
Dot Day!
We started off our morning meeting with a conversation on what makes YOU UNIQUE! Then we read the story The Dot, followed by making our own chalk dots for all to enjoy out of the sidewalks of Westwoods!
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Pokemon/Sport Cards Club
Wednesdays 2:30-3:00.
We need parent help to supervise!
Pokemon/Sports Card Club Sign Up
Sept. Scholastic Book Order
Please have all orders in by: Monday, Sept. 18
Any order you would like me to place, please make checks payable to: Scholastic Book Clubs **NO CASH PLEASE!** McNitt Activation Code: HFPT3