Saturday, November 22, 2014

Pocket Day!

Friday was Pocket Day!! It is extremely amusing how excited the students get over Pocket Day in the classroom! :) Pocket Day was an activity in our math curriculum at the beginning of the year, however, we have continued the activity due to the high interest level. Students are now linking it to what we are presently learning. All students counted their pockets and claimed their number. After all numbers were collected, we then looked for ways to add up 27 numbers! We have talked about number strings and finding digits to add together that would make the most sense first. Students immediately took all combinations that added to ten...AWESOME! Then added in the left overs. In the end they had two digit combinations to compute. I wish I had a picture of all their minds at work using strategies with fingers moving in the air and their faces intense with the thought process :) Finally the hands starting darting up and the answer was found...using tens and ones! 118 pockets on our third pocket day for sure beats the other two pocket days. Now they have a challenge for the next Pocket Day :) 

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