Saturday, December 13, 2014


Candy Trains
Monday 12-15
All candy is due by Monday. Students will be building their trains that morning. 
If you can not provide your assigned item please let me know as soon as you can. Thank you for your support & donations!!

Field Trip
Tuesday 12-16
State Theater - The Polar Express
We will be leaving following the second bell at 8:50. Please make sure your child is on time to school this day. Our movie is at 9:30. We will return in time for lunch at 12:15.

Spelling Test
Wednesday 12-17

Holiday Sing A Long 
Friday 12-19 @ 3:00

December NWEA Scores
Student scores will be coming home on Friday 12-19

Holiday Break
Starts December 22nd
School Resumes January 5th

Winter Gear
Please make sure your child is bringing all the necessary outwear for outside. These items are important to keep your child warm and dry in outside conditions. 
ALL students need:
winter coats 
snow pants

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