Friday, June 12, 2015

Last Day of School

Our last day of second grade was a bitter sweet day full of excitement! I am really going to miss each and everyone of my students as I pass them onto third grade. We had a lot of fun together learning from one another. It was hard to say goodbye, but excited for all to embark on the next chapter of third grade. 
Have a wonderful summer!

Ice cream sundaes! Writing about our summer plans.

End of the year second grade project! 
Students wrote a friendly comment about each one of their peers. Students were then given all their comments to read through and glue onto construction paper as a memory of their fellow friends and classmates. 

Father's Day presents! (Did not want to reveal the surprise)

One last "Scoot" with Mrs. DePlaunty's classroom. All students scooted to place value.

 Have a wonderful summer!!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Multiplication & Division

Multiplication Story Problems

We are trying to develop story problems from arrays and different multiplication equations. It is a lot harder to flip it around and come up with the story problem, rather than read it and solve an equation.
However, after many attempts they learned what vocabulary was needed and in the order necessary for a multiplication story problem.  

Properties on Matter

Students were in groups observing objects of matter and identifying the different properties of each. They were able to work together in there small groups, travel to other groups to collaborate in conversation, then come back as a whole to discuss their findings.

Camp Lake Ann

The field trip was a great success! 
All students had fun exploring outside whether it was on a nature hike with games and activities, or down at the Bog learning the land. 
Mother Nature cooperated with us that day, and all participants only had positive excitement to show. 


Fifth grade math buddy fun! 
Both grades had a separate grade level appropriate math scoot to accomplish. There are 30 place cards. They scoot when they hear the whistle to solve a variety of problems. They record their solutions on a chart where we double check our answers later. 
Second grade did three digit addition and fifth grade did three digit multiplication. 
We took the scoot outside and had a tone of fun!