Friday, June 12, 2015

Last Day of School

Our last day of second grade was a bitter sweet day full of excitement! I am really going to miss each and everyone of my students as I pass them onto third grade. We had a lot of fun together learning from one another. It was hard to say goodbye, but excited for all to embark on the next chapter of third grade. 
Have a wonderful summer!

Ice cream sundaes! Writing about our summer plans.

End of the year second grade project! 
Students wrote a friendly comment about each one of their peers. Students were then given all their comments to read through and glue onto construction paper as a memory of their fellow friends and classmates. 

Father's Day presents! (Did not want to reveal the surprise)

One last "Scoot" with Mrs. DePlaunty's classroom. All students scooted to place value.

 Have a wonderful summer!!

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