Sunday, November 15, 2015

Book Reports

In the classroom we have been working tirelessly on our writing plans! We continue to work on narrative writing, using our readers to create book reports. Stories we have read are summarized and retold through our books reports in sequential order. Students are recalling characters, setting, plot, and moral (depending on the genre). 
They began by planning and laying an outline for what their paper will include. 
Students use their plan to then create drafts. This is where they use their writing goal pages to ensure they have all elements added into their writing, and to continue strengthening the structure of their writing.

 When their drafts are complete, an editing check-sheet is provided to use as a tool to edit the work they have done. This time, we added in an extra edit with a peer. Peer review! Students were paired up to exchange drafts, where their partner read through their work using the same editing check-sheet to give their help and support. This gave their paper another pair of eyes, with new and different ideas and helpful hints to improve their writing. 
LOVE those papers that have arrows, side notes, sentences crossed out, and carrots added! Shows the hard work of revising!
In addition, we learned that many authors from some of our favorite books edit their writings MANY times before turning it into a final copy! We used these authors as mentors when we thought our writing was done. 

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