Monday, February 22, 2016

War of 1812

This domain will introduce students to an important period in the history of the United States—the time during the War of 1812. The War of 1812 is, perhaps, best remembered as the war that gave birth to “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Students will also learn why the War of 1812 is often called America’s second war for independence. Students will learn how the United States was affected by the Napoleonic Wars between France and Great Britain. They will learn about James and Dolley Madison, and their direct connection to the War of 1812. Students will learn about Great Britain’s three-part plan to win back the United States. This includes attacks on Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, and the Battle of New Orleans. This domain will build the foundation for learning about Westward Expansion, The U.S. Civil War, and Immigration later in Grade 2.
Within our new domain of the War of 1812, we have learned about a few influential people in American history. We have seen many portraits and small descriptions that give short  accomplishments of a persons life. Students were able to create their own self portrait of their own to show their significance and what makes them unique. They turned out very interesting and special!

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