Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Teach the Teach DAY 7

Another fun filled day of teach the teacher!!

Hudson taught us how make slime! Extremely engaging watching Hudson work his magic on the goo! 
Nice work Hudson!

Cam taught not only how to be safe on a quad, but also how you get one started and what to do.
Nice work Cam!

Jason and Hudson worked together to teach the ins and outs of Flag Football. We learned how to set up the game, kick the ball, then try to get to the other side without getting your flag taken.
Way to go boys!!

Marissa owns two goats at home, and wanted us to know about her pets. We learned about a goats personality, how they eat, what they do and how to take care of goats! She even has a fun printout for students to take home and continue learning about goats!
Fantastic Marissa!

Griffin and Sam brought their expertise to the field. We learned how to do certain soccer moves and how to avoid the opponent from taking your ball.
Super boys!

Sarah taught us about an animation project she does at home. She not only sets the scene but she creates a quick movie clip by moving figurines while also taking pictures.
Very intriguing Sarah!

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