Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Olympics 2018

Homework coming home today is a little different, yet festive! We are more so focusing on current events...in sports!
Image result for winter olympics 2018
The students are having the opportunity to focus on the Winter Olympics and have a little fun with it. Out of all the amazing winter sports going on currently in South Korea, the students get to choose one event they find the most interest in. After they have chosen their sport, then they can even go as far as looking at the athletes that are involved. This can go as in depth as the students want! Image result for winter olympics 2018
Information found can be from the internet, newspaper, and/or the television. I do understand there can be some limitations and road blocks to getting some Olympic information while trying to get involved with this activity. If so, please let me know.
All portfolios are due back on Monday, February 26.
Thanks and have fun!!

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