Thursday, May 31, 2018

WW 5K & Fun Run

The Westwoods Family 5K and Fun Run 
Rescheduled for Saturday, June 2
FREE event
The 5K begins at 9:30am
1 Mile Fun Run begins at 10:45am
Please register ahead of time online
You may register the morning of the event starting at 8:30am, but online registration is preferred to save time. 
Light snacks and water will be provided. 
Mark your calendars for this awesome event!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Sleeping Bear Dunes

We are heading on a field trip next Wednesday! This was sent home in an e-mail earlier today. Please read through the details and complete the online permission slip. 
We are all set on chaperones...thanks again!!

Farmers Market

Yesterday we had a variety of vendors visit Westwoods from the downtown Sara Hardy Farmers Market. Our classroom went to visit each vendor while taste testing some of the delicious organic items, vegetables, goodies and more. As a teacher, they gave our classroom $15 to spend!! So...I bought healthy treats to bring back to our classroom to have tasty snack to enjoy. I took home all goods to wash and prepare and this morning students tried pea shoots, tomatoes, bread with strawberry rhubarb jam, rhubarb pieces and a delicious honey stick! YUM!

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

We are all Wonders!

We are cruising through our story Wonder and loving each section! While listening, we have done a variety of activities that connect to being kind and being the wonder we are! The poster below is a classroom collaboration. Each student had a small piece to color that didn't look like anything until we put all our pieces together. 
All your kids are WONDERful in their own way!

Teach the Teacher Round One!

Teach the Teacher kicked off today! So fun to see what talents are coming into the classroom to share with everyone!

Kelsey W. & her Grandma
All About Plants and Seeds

How to use a hacky sack

Jaden & Lukas
Soccer Skills

Singing in a band

Flipping on the bars

Monday, May 28, 2018

Countdown to Summer!

The addition to each and everyday with our ABC Countdown has been so much fun!!
I have been getting just as excited as the kids to add a dose of excitement into each day! Here is some of the shenanigans the kids have been up to! Looking forward to another outstanding week!
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