Sunday, April 7, 2019

Read A Thon

LAST week of the Read - A - Thon!!!
So far our students have read over 300,000 minutes, and we're almost halfway to our goal of $18,000. If you haven't already please sponsor your children HERE (it's easy!) and get the word out. Every dollar counts!
Read - A -Thon Spirit Week!
Monday, April 8
Wear a hat or shirt with words
Tuesday, April 9
Bring a blanket and flashlight, reading in the dark
Wednesday, April 10
Reading gives you superpowers (dress as your favorite superhero or book character, or make up your own)!
Thursday, April 11
Westwoods School Color Day (wear red and black)
Friday, April 12
Pajama Day, ending with a Pajama Party in the gym as the entire school reads together for the last 10 minutes of our Read-A-Thon.

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