Saturday, June 15, 2019

Summer Work!

I have put together some items for your child to work on over the summer. Please model that you prioritize their education, and go through these items with them and come up with a plan for summer learning.

Read Works
Inside your child's report card there is a reading booklet that includes an incentive if it is completed and returned in the fall. 

Extra Math Ideas

Daily Workbooks
Your child is also bringing home several of their student workbooks in all academic areas. There are a lot of pages in all of the books that can be used as practice pages this summer. Please do not throw away these books. They are a great review as summer progresses to keep what we have learned maintained. 

Here are some fun ideas for kids to do throughout each summer month!

Our brains work like faucets....when they are not working/thinking (running) they will get rusty, or lose what they have learned.  Please take time this summer to work on these things that have been sent home.  

THANK YOU so much for sharing your child with me this year. It has been a privilege to work with each and every child in this class.  It has also been wonderful being part of your child's education team, including you as parents. I appreciate the support and time that all of you put into your child's educational experience. 

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