Thursday, August 29, 2019

Top Notes for Tuesday!

This year 2nd grade is trying something new and eliminating birthday treats. We have found that treats interrupt the groups learning for the remainder of the day. Instead, we are still going to celebrate your child’s birthday with a song and a special prize. 
Thank you for your support on this!

If you haven't already and would like to. Second grade is asking for a $30 donation for shared classroom supplies purchased by the teacher.
Checks should be made out to TCAPS.
On Tuesday, and if you haven't already, make sure your child brings the following to school to leave in their lockers:
Gym Shoes
Art Shirt
Headphones labeled in a plastic bag
Two pocket folder for their communicator (this can be any design your child chooses)

Throughout the year, our classrooms are always in need of extra Kleenex, Clorox wipes, Band-Aids, and sponges for the office. Feel free to donate these items in addition to the $30 for classroom materials.
Our classroom also has an Amazon Wishlist if anyone is interested in additional donating. hhtp://
Communicators include all notes from school, completed work, and notes from home. They go back and forth each day. Please help your child to build a routine to ensure their communicator gets emptied each night and returned to school each morning.

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