Friday, November 8, 2019

November Scholastic Book Order

For November, instead of sending home more paper, I am instead trying out Scholastic's digital flyers for you to leaf through. (links are below) You can then place your order online. 
Classroom Code HFPT3
November digital flyers for Scholastic Books. 
Each grade level has their own selection of books. Click the flyer for your child or all!
If you would rather NOT place your order online still not a problem. Make your selection of books and send that in with a check made out to Scholastic Books. I will place the order for you with our classroom order! I have to place one anyways for our classroom book sponsor, so it is no extra trouble.

Tis the season! 
Please remember, if you are purchasing books as a gift, or a secret, please let me know. I will hold those books when they are delivered and keep them in our lounge for you to pick up.

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