Sunday, May 3, 2020

Must Do: May 4 - 8

Please attend our class meetings Monday & Friday at 11:40!

Journeys Lesson 27

Anchor Text - The Dog That Dug for Dinosaurs
Story is in Whole Group

Read through the vocabulary!

Go to Think Central Things to Do
Please do L27 Vocabulary

After you read the story
1. Comprehension Quiz 
L27 Comprehension Questions
Take the comprehension quiz in your Things to Do folder in Think Central. Same place all your personal math trainers are. 

2. Journeys Family Connection
In Google Classroom Whole Group

3. Close Reader - La Brea Tar Pits
Close Reader: pages 126 - 129
Do all the questions 1 - 6 AND do the short response

Lesson 26 Activities - Readers Notebook
1. Spelling - words with oo pgs. 172, 174, 181
2. NEW Adverbs & Adjectives - Videos/lessons on adverbs in Google Classroom - Whole Group
pages 173, 176, 182, 185
On Friday go into Think Central/Things to do and take the L27 Adverb Quiz
3. Possessive Nouns - page 178
4. Shades of Meaning - page 183

Leveled Book Readers
Tuesday - Green Group
The Mysterious Bone
Wednesday - Purple Group
Sue Hendrickson
Thursday - Blue Group
Sir Hans Sloane
Find new stories in your Book Club folders.
*We WILL be reading these books during book club this week*

Scholastic Magazine

Find this in your Google Classroom Book Club folder along with comprehension pages

Organization Intro & Conclusionpage 177
Proofread a Paragraph - page 184
Connect to Writing - page 186

Writing Focus - Opinion Writing
To Bounce or Not to Bounce?
This is an opinion piece writing connected to your Scholastic Magazine this week.
Look for the pages and directions on your Google Classroom Whole Group

* Please also finish up your response poems - if you haven't already.

* Please look in your Google Classroom Math Club Folder (circle, triangle, square)
You have directions in the post for what I provided for your group.
My layout inside your folder is per day. Don't feel you have to follow that, just as long as you get the assigned work completed.
This week we are focusing on Math Unit 5: Graphing 
You have a NEW SumDog challenge this week: Graphing Challenge - Try it out!

Look for a familiar list of MAY DO's in your Google Classroom May Do Folder!

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