Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Read-A-Thon 2021

This is the last week of the read-a-thon!

Please encourage your child to read daily and to keep track of their reading minutes! Students have time at the end of the school day to record their reading minutes. Our class is working hard to be the top reading class in PK-2. If we reach that goal we win a pizza party! Thanks for the support many of you have offered through donations to the read-a-thon. These funds are used school-wide to support various learning initiatives.
We have three more days left to read and fundraise! 

Bear Necessities - Cozy Clothes/Pajama Day!
In addition to being snug, I am allowing students to bring blankets and flashlights to read in the dark and built a small fort Friday morning. This is something we will discuss Wednesday together. Please make sure all blankets and flashlights are in a bag. These will only come out in the morning for a chunk of time. Thanks!

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