Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Journeys Lesson 10: Jellies

Within Lesson 10, and throughout our week, we will be focusing on a variety of new concepts, but also practicing and building on topics already learned. 
We also have two new texts that are of use when it comes to new concepts being reinforced.

Jellies: The Life of Jellyfish
Genre: Informational Text
Most children are fascinated by animals - as pets, in the wild, creepy, or exotic. This informational text helps children understand what particular physical features jellyfish have that help them survive.
This text will identify reasons to support a fact or an opinion while also identifying the author's purpose for writing the text.

Splash Photography
Genre: Informational Text
Children will regularly encounter informational text in textbooks, on the internet, and through other media. This text gives factual information about a familiar topic - photography - and will expand on children's knowledge of the topic with details about underwater photography.
Students will use a diagram to enhance understanding and discuss how labels help to clarify information in a text. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

November 24 - 28
Enjoy the break!
See you back on Monday, Nov. 29

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Journeys Lesson 9: How Chipmunk Got His Stripes

 Anchor Text: How the Chipmunk Got His Stripes
Genre: Folktales
By reading this folktale, children will learn that folktales are stories that are
told again and again. In most folktales, the characters learn a lesson.
Key Learning Objectives
•  Describe how characters respond to problems in the story.
•  Recognize why authors repeat words and phrases in their
Paired Text: Why Rabbits Have Short Tails
Genre: Traditional Tale
Students should be able to identify the elements of a traditional story, including the story’s lesson or moral.
Key Learning Objectives
•  Discuss how characters in a story solve their problems.
•  Recognize the moral of a story.

Image result for vocabulary banner

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Thank you to the Beers Family for being our October Scholastic Book Sponsor! Your SuPeR GENEROUS donation of books to our classroom is greatly appreciated! Team McNitt is EXREMELY excited about their book choices and being able to add to their home libraries!

Monday, November 15, 2021

Lunch This Week

 Tuesday: Chicken and Cheese Quesadilla
Turkey Dinner
mashed potatoes, corn, stuffing, veggies, fruit, and pumpkin pie
Thursday: Chicken Tenders
Friday: Pizza

Chicken or beef taco
Tuesday: Ham and cheese sub

No School - Holiday Break

Thursday, November 11, 2021

If I Ran the School - Written by Team McNitt

Our published books arrived and we CELEBRATED!!!
Such an amazing accomplishment that ALL students were part of!!


All student ordered copies came home today. However, if you missed out and still want to order a book, your child brought home an order form! The pin is also below to use when ordering.
Students shared their books with one another as they read through all the pages written by their peer authors

Next came the student requested, and Westwoods approved, PARADE!

To listen to our fellow students and staff cheer on our second graders was powerful!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Thursday, Nov. 11
Two-hour early release day
Students are dismissed at 1:56pm

Extended Day is not offered for early release or half days of school 

Journeys Lesson 8

 This week we are introducing new concepts in Journeys while learning about different types of weather and storms. Very engaging!!

Our new text this week are:
Super Storms
Genre: Informational Text
This text provides facts about a familiar topic: different kinds of storms.
Photos (graphic features) with captions will provide additional details about storms and ways to measure their effects. Students will also be identifying the main idea and details in a selection and discussing the cause and effect of storms.
Weather Poems
Genre: Poetry
Three poems about weather will allow students to compare perspectives, imagery, and the use of repetition. They will learn about how the sound of words can show images and feelings in poetry. They will also discuss repetition as a device used in poetry.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Book Order Due Mon., Nov. 8

A new book order came home Wednesday with all students! Take a look for any holiday ordering.
Thank you to the Joan family and the Novak family for being our Nov. & Dec. book sponsors!! So appreciate it!

Monday, November 1, 2021


Don't forget to sign up for a classroom book club if you are able and willing!
Students are LOVING these! 
 McNitt Book Club Sign Up

Please also remember to fill out the volunteer form if you are working/volunteering with any students. Link is below.
Volunteer Form

November GIVING Challenge

Now that all candy has been collected, unpacked and sorted. What are kids going to do with it ALL?! No way can it get eaten! How about instead you do a good deed as we enter the giving season!

We have challenged all second grade students to a Halloween "giving" challenge. Any candy donated to our Halloween buckets at school will be sent to service men and women over seas. YES!!! 
We thank them always for their service and dedication to our country. Lets send them some treats! Each second grade classroom has a large bucket to fill. We have set a goal to fill the bucket half way in each classroom! Maybe we can even beat it!