Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Journeys Lesson 10: Jellies

Within Lesson 10, and throughout our week, we will be focusing on a variety of new concepts, but also practicing and building on topics already learned. 
We also have two new texts that are of use when it comes to new concepts being reinforced.

Jellies: The Life of Jellyfish
Genre: Informational Text
Most children are fascinated by animals - as pets, in the wild, creepy, or exotic. This informational text helps children understand what particular physical features jellyfish have that help them survive.
This text will identify reasons to support a fact or an opinion while also identifying the author's purpose for writing the text.

Splash Photography
Genre: Informational Text
Children will regularly encounter informational text in textbooks, on the internet, and through other media. This text gives factual information about a familiar topic - photography - and will expand on children's knowledge of the topic with details about underwater photography.
Students will use a diagram to enhance understanding and discuss how labels help to clarify information in a text. 

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