Friday, February 4, 2022


Valentine Exchange Mon., Feb. 14th
The students are making their own Valentines bag at school, so no need to make one at home. This next week, students will use their math skills, while having fun, creating the parts and pieces to their bags for Valentine’s Day. Each bag is going to be a monster creation of their own that they have to purchase (with fake money). However, the twist is they have a large variety of different parts (arms, eyes, body, etc.) to shop from with only a budget of $2.25. They will get silly and creative while using their imagination to create the goofiest monster, within their means. The extra bonus is all students can use calculators to help their addition, which was another learned skill to many. Their order will be placed to arrive just in time to color, cut and piece together their monster Valentine bag for all Valentine’s!

Your child is bringing home a list of all classmates names. If your child chooses to bring Valentines to school, please make sure they have a Valentine for all 24 students of our classroom. If your child does not want to participate in passing out Valentines that is their choice, this is an optional activity.

In addition to exchanging Valentines and taking the time to look through all the different Valentines, we have some other Valentine fun in store. * Play a game * Participate in other Valentine activities * Enjoy some tasty treats Please click on the link to help contribute these items to our exchange Items Needed for Valentines Exchange

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