Monday, April 25, 2022

Science & Journeys Lesson 25

This week launches a two in one with science and language arts. Very helpful when two subject areas pair together for learning.
INSECTS: Our class is beginning a scientific study of insects and plants. We will be caring for and investigating insects, as our class undergos a complete metamorphosis, As in the classic case of the butterfly—egg to caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly.
PLANTS: We will also be growing a plant from seed, to find out about their lives.
The plant we will grow will go through its full life cycle—seed to plant to flower to seed—in just one month.
Your child may demonstrate a heightened interest in insects and plants over the next several weeks. One goal of our work with insects is to help the children develop a deeper appreciation for the diversity of life and to cultivate a sense of respect for all living things.
We’re looking forward to lots of fun and lots of learning as we explore a world full of insects!

Language Arts

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