Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Optional Giving Challenge

I know Halloween comes with A LOT of candy!
We are filling a large pumpkin (bucket) up with any Halloween candy students would like to donate and then we are sending it all over to the troops!! 

We have challenged all second grade students to a Halloween "giving" challenge. 
Any candy donated to our Halloween buckets at school will be sent to service men and women over seas.
We thank them always for their service and dedication to our country. Lets send them some treats!
Here is how you can be involved with this activity!
1. Kids collect their unwanted or extra candy
2. Put it into a bag
3. Send it to school Thursday and/or Friday
4. Anyone who brings candy will earn a small reward
5. If we fill our bucket, we will earn an extra recess.
6. Candy is shipped to Treats for Troops, and the treats will go overseas to service men and women!!!
We will collect until Friday, Nov. 4

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