Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Valentines Day is Right Around the Corner...

Valentine's Day Celebration: Tuesday, February 14th
Valentines Day Agenda
Play a game with pre-packaged candies Use Valentine's Day themed lessons throughout the day

Exchange cards and gifts Decorate bags to store their Valentines/goodies  Make a friendship trail mix

VALENTINES If your child chooses to pass out Valentines, we have 21 students in our class. Click here for the class list

VALENTINE GAME We will need pre packaged candies. (I am not allowed to purchase this with school funds, so donations would be greatly appreciated) Anyone can donate!! If there is extra candy we will pass it out at the end of the day OR use it for another celebration.

FRIENDSHIP TRAIL MIX We are making a friendship trail mix that day! please use this link to sign up

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