Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Downtown Discovery Field Trip

Tuesday, June 6th * All students will need to bring is a snack or two & dress appropriately for the weather! Trip Includes Visit The City Opera House Scavenger hunt downtown - Making stops at the Visitor Center, Post Office, Horizon Books, and many more businesses. 
Purchasing a “good” and/or “service”
Our wonderful PTO has generously donated $10 per student!! With that, ALL students will...
* Purchase a boxed lunch from Grand Traverse Pie Company
(GT Pie Co. has generously given us a low cost of $2 per boxed lunch)
* Purchase a stamp to mail their friendly letter
* Donating $1 to the City Opera House
* Which leaves the remainder to spend at our local shops purchasing a good/service!

Please click on the following link to fill out the permission slip for your child  Permission Slip

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