Monday, October 23, 2023

Fall Field Trip

Halloween is approaching! As a second grade team we are going to the take the students on a field trip to Pahl's Pumpkin Patch instead of a Halloween party.
Usually Halloween celebrations include bringing costumes to school, making/buying treats for a party, donating supplies, and receiving candy and treats. In place of that, and everything that comes along with it, we would like to take the kids on an exciting fall adventure!
* Students will still be able to wear their costumes at school on Halloween day, but we will not be having a classroom party due to this field trip the day before.

* WHEN: Monday, Oct. 30th 
*NEED: A COLD LUNCH to eat at Pahl's. Appropriate clothing for the weather, and sneakers/boots
*CHAPERONES: We are allowing 6 chaperones per class. Please email your classroom teacher if you interested. First come. Please no siblings. You will need to fill out the volunteer form in order to attend.
*PERMISSION: Please fill out the form below by Thursday, October 26th  to give your permission to allow your child on this field trip.
 Permission Slip Link 

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