Friday, March 15, 2024

Read A Thon: Updates & Prize Reminders

Submit online donations by Wednesday, March 20
Any cash or checks are to be received by Monday, March 18
Log all minutes by the END Sunday, March 17 at 11:55pm
Bingo Boards DUE Monday March, 18

A Single BINGO

Earn a Feather Bookmark

Fill your ENTIRE BINGO Board

earn an entry into the Prize Drawing:
16- Book lights, 48-LCD Doodle pads, 10-$10 Book Gift Cards

TOP READER in Each Classroom
Enjoy lunch with a staff member

Be a High Reader (250 minutes PreK-2)and/or a High Raiser ($200+) to earn an entry into the Grand Prize Drawing

2-Family Cognition membership, 1- Cozy Folding Reading Chair with footstool,
2-$50 Book Gift Cards
Classroom with the MOST MINUTES
Designs a t-shirt for Mr. Tisdale

Classroom with the MOST FUNDS RAISED Classroom Party chosen by class vote. 

Examples: Pizza, ice cream, movement, etc.

Westwoods Meets Our Goals of $25,000.00 OR 200,000 Minutes Read School Wide

PTO will host a special event for all students!

This amazing event will include hands-on learning, exploration, and fun. *More to come! 

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