Sunday, June 2, 2024

ABC Countdown: W - Wheels Day

Tuesday, June 4
Wheels Day

We are inviting all the kids to bring in a wheeled item to school!
Man power only. No electric or motor wheels please. ALL STUDENTS WILL NEED TO WEAR A HELMET TO PARTICIPATE
If you do not want your child to get involved, please let us know right away so we can plan alternative activities. 
School rules still apply, we are not responsible for lost or stolen items. The items will be stored out front of our classroom windows. 
You will be responsible for delivering your child’s item and making arrangements to get it picked up.
Item suggestions: Bikes, Scooters, Roller blades, Roller skates, Skateboard, Etc.
Students will be allowed to and encouraged to share items to promote being active.
THANK YOU! Mrs. McPherson, Mrs. McNitt & Mr. Tisdale

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