Saturday, February 7, 2015

Timeline Project

This was sent home with students on Friday in their communicators. 


Dear Families,
Within our second grade curriculum we are learning about timelines. This is a tool used in Social Studies and also a text feature we are currently identifying in our non-fiction reading unit. The students have a homework project to complete to get a better understanding of timelines, while connecting it to their own lives. They are going to make an individual timeline of their life.

Timelines should include:
- Begins at birth and continues to the present.
- Photos are optional and can be used along with written events. However, photos for each timeline should be appropriate for school display.
At least 10 significant events in their lives.
(Some suggestions of significant facts include getting a new pet, moving to a new house, riding a bike, or the birth of a sibling.)

I did encourage your child’s timeline to be unique and creative, and to make it their own. While I did allow the use of photographs, illustrations, and other creative materials, please keep in mind that these timelines will be displayed.  
Remember that although all of the items will be returned, please do not send any valuable photos or materials in case they get lost in transit.

Along with this note, students also are being sent home with a roll of white paper for the students to use as their timeline paper.

I am asking all timelines be due by Monday, February 16th.
Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. We look forward to sharing your child’s life with our classrooms.

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