Sunday, February 1, 2015

Notes & Reminders

Westwoods Carnival Basket
Our classroom basket theme is GARDENING
If you are able and willing and can donate any items to our basket we would greatly appreciate it. 
All items are due by Friday, Feb. 13th. 
Our classroom basket will be auctioned off at Westwoods Carnival on Feb. 27th. 
Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.
Thank you so much for all your help and support!

National Wear RED Day!
Friday, February 6th
Students wear read to schoool to support the awareness for Heart Disease. Students will also be jumping rope this week in Gym and learning about the heart.  

New spelling lists will be coming home on Monday. My intentions were to get students tested on Friday, give the graded tests back, and also have a new spelling list for them ready to take home and study over the weekend. I had the list ready to go, however, we did not have enough time to go over the lists together. I did not want to send home words without the students knowing what the lesson for their lists were. So, instead we will do our mini spelling lesson on Monday, as well as take the pre-test to see what words need the most focus. You will see new spelling words coming home Monday after school. 
Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. 
Thank you!

Parent/Teacher Conferences
Conferences are coming soon! February 17th, 19th & 25th. With the Winter Art Walk and Scholastic Book Fair going on as well!
Please let Heather Heitsch, in the office, know if you need the sign up link resent. Online sign up will be available until the end of the school day on Feb. 6th. If you do not sign up I will plug you in whatever available slot I have in the end. Thanks!

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