Sunday, January 25, 2015


Students brought home a couple important documents in their communicators last Friday. 

Homework Packet
Students have three different pages to complete over their three half day breaks.
Please remind your child to have this back to school by
Tuesday, January 27th. 

Scholastic Book Order
A Scholastic Book Club Order came home with your child. Please take a look to see if there are any books you would like to purchase.
Please have ALL orders back to school by Friday, January 30th. 
I will be placing the order that weekend to get any Valentine books here by the holiday.
Please keep in mind you are welcome to place on online order as often as you like, whenever you like. If you are doing on online order I do not need any paperwork from you.
Our class code if HFPT3.
Scholastic will send me an e-mail to confirm that will then process your order. 
Let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. 

Due to us not having a homework packet last week, I was not able to put two birthdays on our homework cover schedule. 
January 23rd - Happy Birthday Mariah & Claudia!

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