Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Math Curriculum

Hello Families!

We are excited to share that Westwoods Elementary School has begun to pilot a Math program called Math In Focus by Houghton Mifflin.  This program was selected due to research studies that showed significantly higher student achievement when using Math In Focus.  The program is Singapore Mathematics based and over 20 years of research. 
It offers many hands on lessons, activities, and games, with a large variety of manipulatives to connect learning. Students are also given their own math textbook and workbook to use. Math In Focus uses a visual approach to learning, where students progress from concrete, to pictorial, to abstract when introducing new concepts and building on previous knowledge. Many of the chapters the students will work through include building strong number sense, place value, and problem solving. This includes an in-depth learning of concepts and skills, as well as fluency with word problems, math drawings, and algorithms.

All materials have finally made it into our classroom! We are very excited about using this program, along with the additional support and extension activities it provides. To keep you connected at home:
-      Our blog will post different activities we are doing in the classroom to keep you continuously updated.
-      Letters/notes will be sent home and/or posted on the blog each time a chapter is complete and when a new chapter is ready to begin.
-      Students work will come home periodically; however our work is not divided into separate units. Instead, the students have two workbooks over the course of the year.
* Due to Math In Focus beginning in our classroom, we are not continuing the old curriculum of Investigations. Which means the unit we were preparing to begin was not needed anymore. Old math packets are being sent home to use as extra practice. This can stay at home and does not need to be returned to school.

* Please also send back student Investigation handbooks that were handed out at the beginning of the year. This will no longer impact your child’s learning and will not connect with the daily learning routine of our math curriculum. Thank you! 

Please note: Two other TCAPS elementary schools are piloting two other Math programs.  This will allow our district to evaluate the merits of each program and make an informed decision about the future of our Math curriculum. 
Westwoods Elementary staff is committed to working with students and parents to help all students develop strong skills. If you have any additional questions or comments please see me or contact our principal, Ms. Jessie Houghton.

Thank you for your continued support! 

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