Monday, January 12, 2015

Library changes

Today library changed a bit for the students. I wanted to inform you of the changes as well. 
Students will no longer be checking out books for people at home to read to them. Instead, they will only be checking out books that are at their level to read to themselves or to read to another person. 
Students are also focusing on non-fiction and informational topics in both reading and writing in the classroom. Due to this, for the next couple of weeks they will be checking out books to use during readers workshop and writers workshop. Which means library books will NOT be coming home, and only be used in the classroom. Today all students that were able, checked out two non-fictions texts and will be using both to research through and jot notes from. Those notes will then be applied to their writing later that day.
I do feel these couple changes will help your child academically in the classroom and will better their success as a student. 
If you have any questions or concerns about the recent changes please let me know. Thank you for your continued support and understanding!

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