Monday, January 12, 2015

Non-Fiction: Two-Way Traffic!

 * Reading response page to record evidence that connects to the main topic. What different ideas, facts, and questions came up when you were reading? 

* Different pictures we use in non-fictions texts that help to better understand the topic. 

Last week we started back up on Non-Fiction reading, and are going strong into this week. We are focusing not only on reading the text, but studying and reading the pictures. We figure out how these pictures connect with the main topic and give a better understanding of what we are learning. Students are using pictures in their text to be another tool to provide evidence that connects to the main topic.
Non-fiction is not a one way highway. We don't just take the text in, we come out with questions, ideas, and new and/or interesting facts in response. It is two-way traffic. Students are jotting down all the thoughts and questions they have as they read, growing big ideas as they go!

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