Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Reminders & Notes

Bullying Prevention Week
This week we are celebrating our school-wide effort to prevent bullying. Today students were able to get one fingernail painted blue during lunch.  Tomorrow we will be tracing, decorating and labeling our hand prints to attach to a school-wide banner. This will signify our hand raised to make the pledge “Bully Free Starts With Me.”  We will also be decorating our classroom door. On Friday, everyone is asked to wear their Bully Free T-Shirt or the color blue to raise awareness that Together We are the Solution!!  The “bluest” class on Friday will earn an extra recess! 

Homework Packets
New homework packets did come home today. You will NOT see spelling as one of the expectations this week. Instead of spelling we are working on Figurative Language in the classroom during that time. We will resume spelling in two or three weeks. 
*Spring break fun pages are due Wednesday, April 8th

Beach Bums
Mrs. Tandy gave an extra day to students to turn in Beach Bums poster. All posters need to be in by Wednesday, April 8th.

NWEA Schedule
Reading: April 21 from 10:30-12:00
Math: April 23 from 10:30 - 12:00

Spring Concert
April 28th is the 2nd/3rd grade music concert here at Westwoods. 

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