Sunday, November 13, 2016

Reminders & Updates

Weekend Work...
All students brought home some weekend work! Since we are in our new unit for CKLA Skills we are diving into our new reader Kids Excel. Two stories that we have read in class and discussed are now coming home to enjoy with those outside of school. Please help your child find a new person to read their stories too. These stories can stay home for future reading and do not need to be returned back to school.
Two other pages that should make their way back to the class are
Mark the Vowel Spelling
Are the Sounds the Same?
Both pages we went over in the classroom on Friday and are also both review for all students.

PTO Meeting
Tuesday, Nov. 15
6:30 in the WW Library
Childcare will be provided!

Winter Carnival
The Winter Carnival is just around the corner on January 27th! Classroom baskets have already been assigned and are now looking for families from each room to donate themed items for their child's classroom. 
McNitt's Carnival Basket theme is ARTS & CRAFTS.
Feel free to send in donations whenever you like. I will store all donations in my classroom until pickup.

Outdoor Attire
Please remind your child each morning to grab outdoor gear suitable for the weather. Especially a coat. Temperatures are up and down...gotta love Michigan weather! All students go outside to play twice a day, and they are out before and after school. We want to ensure they are warm and safe on the at school when they venture outdoors. Students can keep an extra pair of gloves, hats, scarves, etc. in their locker if they choose. Thank you!!

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