Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Updates & Reminders

Scholastic Book Order
Monday ALL students brought home a Scholastic Book Order. If you are ordering online you can enter orders whenever you want as many times as you want. If you are sending in an order for me to place, please have these into me by Monday, November 28th.
Please keep in mind books are GREAT holiday gifts for all students! If you are ordering anything for your child that you are gifting later this year, just let me know and I will contact you when they are in. 
Let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.
Thank you!

We are in need of a few items if you are out and about and willing to purchase items for our classroom as a donation.
Clorox Wipes
Kleenex Boxes
Big Black Expo Markers (no colors please)
Thank you in advance!!

Homework & Spelling
As I am sure you child has already told you, we do NOT have homework or spelling this week. There also will NOT be anything sent home over break. My homework to the kiddos is to rest, relax and read while they are on a four day break. I would love for them to be well rested and perky for a fresh Monday to dive into school work. We will resume homework and spelling that Monday, November 28th.

Silent Auction Baskets for the Winter Carnival
The Winter Carnival is just around the corner on Jan. 27th! Please donate any items you can to our classroom basket. Our theme is ARTS & CRAFTS. All baskets are due by Dec. 16th.

Winter Wear
Our Northern Michigan air is getting colder. The snow has made an appearance as well and will be coming back frequently. Please remind your child to bring the appropriate winter clothing with them to school. Hats, mittens/gloves, snowpants, winter coats, and optional scarves.

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