Monday, December 12, 2016

Homework & Reminders

This weeks homework is one activity short. The students will NOT have spelling this week or next week. We are in the beginning stages of wrapping up Unit 3.

The students also have  anew fluency and comprehension passage coming home named the Pirate Song. Fluency is optional for all students but highly recommended. Please help to remind students to have the back three questions completed for comprehension and turned in by Friday. Thank you!

Field Trip to The Polar Express
Tuesday, December 20th from 9:00 - 12:00
Completing the google form grants your permission for your child(ren) to attend this field trip.
Here is the link to the form
The total of the three buses to transport your child safely is $375.
$3 to cover the cost for one child
$9 to cover the cost for my child + 2 other
Please send your donation in cash or check made payable to: Westwoods PTO
Please have this form filled out and any donations in by Wednesday, Dec. 14th. Thank you!

Silent Auction Baskets for the Winter Carnival
The Winter Carnival is just around the corner on Jan. 27th! Please donate any items you can to our classroom basket. Our theme is ARTS & CRAFTS.
All baskets are due this Friday, Dec. 16th.

We are in need of a few items if you are out and about and willing to purchase items for our classroom as a donation.
Clorox Wipes
Kleenex Boxes
Big Black Expo Markers (no colors please)
Thank you in advance!!

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