Monday, December 5, 2016

Homework & Spelling

Homework & Reading Fluency/Comprehension
A new homework packet is making its way home today along with a new reading homework assignment. The students are bringing home a reading fluency and comprehension page for the week. The fluency portion of this activity I am leaving optional for students and is an added bonus if they choose to complete. This activity aligns with our Six Minute Fluency in the classroom. Which means directions on the necessary process are not included, and instead the students can teach you an aspect of their day that they are now bringing home. They greatly enjoy seeing the growth in the classroom each day with how fluent they are becoming, and I know they would like to show that at home as well. If they choose to test their fluency, there is a graph that is coming along. This is a visual for students to see their results and to show growth. This graph can be left at home and does NOT need to be returned back to school. At school we graph our results everyday, but at home with this passage, they will only need to graph the first read (cold read) and the last read (hot read).
There are also three comprehension questions on the back that students need to answer with complete sentences and then return each Friday. 
Now students can come home and teach you one way fluency and comprehension is tested!

The focus this week for spelling are antonyms and synonyms.
Antonyms = Opposite
Synonyms = Same
We having been working on this concept for a few weeks now, and will continue to master the difference between both antonyms and synonyms and giving examples of each. 
Spelling test will be Monday, Dec. 12

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