Monday, April 10, 2017

Homework & Spelling

New homework packets went home today! Math will be a little different in some packets and little more challenging since we are getting further into the year. All math homework is still review and students have had exposure and practice with all content and methods they will see coming home. However, please let me know if something is not working for your child and I will adjust to fit comfort. If students have any questions they also, as always, can bring them back to the classroom for further explination. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Reading comprehension (and optional fluency), math and word ladders are due back on Thursday this week. Spelling test and alphabetizing spelling words (on back) are due on Monday, April 17th.

Spelling words this week all have endings le, el, tion
You will see on the students spelling list coming home they have organized their words into columns to better understand the endings and to help practice their words in groupings.
This week, alphabetizing is a little more challenging. Instead of separating words into small groups, they are alphabetizing words as a whole this week. This is due back on Monday, April 17th on the same day of the spelling test.

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