Sunday, April 9, 2017

Read A Thon

Read A Thon is still in full force! Our classroom is doing an awesome job building minutes while also building stamina. The drive to read has also increased the love to read. Awesome to watch! Next week we are rounding the corner and wrapping up the Read A Thon with spirit week & creating an object or character from their favorite book!
Wear a hat or shirt with words
Bring a blanket and flashlight, read in the dark
Reading gives you superpowers
Dress as your favorite superhero or make up your own!
Pajama Day
PJ party in the gym as the entire school read together fr the last 10 minutes of our Read A Thon!


MakerSpace Donations Needed
As part of the wrap up to the Read-a-thon,
students will be making an object or character in a MakersSpace during their library time from one of their favorite books.  They will use everyday materials to create and construct this.  In order to make this possible, we need your help!  If you have any
of the following items, please send them to school with your child.  We are collecting the items in the library through next Wednesday.  Students will use this object to share about their reading in the gym on Thursday during the final assembly for the Read-a-thon.
  • tape
  • craft glue
  • glue sticks
  • glue dots
  • staples
  • pipe cleaners
  • boxes
  • buttons
  • styrofoam
  • felt
  • nuts
  • bolts
  • beads
  • straws
  • toliet tubes
  • paper clips
  • yarn
  • popsicle sticks
  • plastic lids (milk, juice, pop)
  • scrap booking paper

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