Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy (late) Holidays

I know this is a tad late...but better late than never :)
Before we left on our holiday break we filled our schedule at school with not only continued learning but also seasonal fun! Due to the busy hussle I was unfortunately not able to snap as many pictures as I would have liked...but I was able to capture a few good ones.
Here is what your little workers were involved with before heading off on break...

Cards for the Pavilions
All students in second grade created their own holiday card for the elderly at the Pavilions. We recognize that not everyone has family or close ones to spend the season with and we wanted to help put a little cheer into their day. From the picture painting to the words they chose to express, it turned out to be a very heartfelt activity that was extremely kind and generous of all students. It was another community project of ours to spread the kindness!
All cards were delivered to the Pavilions on Christmas Eve to pass around to all patients of the Pavilions. They were thrilled!


 Santa's Stuck!
We read a story about how Santa got stuck on Christmas!! Based on the story and the details they heard, students were to draw a conclusion on how they were going to get Santa unstuck from that particular situation! The ideas were very different and quite priceless!

Stuck in a Snowglobe
Incorporating a little art into some fun writing turned out to be a humurous activity for the students! They had to imagine they somehow got stuck in a snowglobe!!
After creating their own snowglobe, they had to then answer three questions:
How did you get in the snowglobe?
How did you feel when you were in the snowglobe?
How are you going to get out of the snowglobe?
These came home for all students to enjoy with their families. As you have already seen, the immiginations were out there!


Candy Cane Experiment
We also threw in some science to our day by experimenting with candy canes! We went through the scientific method of predicting and developing a hypothesis. The predictions were fun because no one had ever thought to put candy canes in vinegar OR oil! Then the experiment began and they watched as some predictions were correct and others were quite surprised.
The scientists brought their research (papers were recorded on) home the Thursday of break.

Our afternoon of board games, goodies and hot chocolate turned out to also be a blast with so many smiles and laughs! Then we rounded out our day at the Westwoods holiday sing along!
It was a great end to a great year of 2017. I look forward to heading into 2018! We have a lot more learning and many more new and engaging activities to dive into!
I hope everyone had a safe and relaxing break! See you Wednesday!

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