Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Learning America

We do not have homework this week due to the short week. Instead we are launching our Learning America project! 
This is all side work. Students can do it at home, use extra time in the classroom, or use a recess here or there. I won't be designating classroom time to this because of time and the focus of curriculum. The purpose of this project will help students get to know the country they live in!!

1. Assign a State
Students were given 1, 2, or even 3 states to find fun and interesting facts about. They have been given mini books to fill in and a state page to help them out and to motivate their excitement. Today was like an auction where I was selling states to the highest excited student. It was pretty fun! 
These are not mandatory assignments where they are due back at any time. Instead, they are meant to be fun and engaging for students. So far I have high student attraction to this assignment! 
They can take their time and bring their state back, or finish, to present when they feel comfortable to share.
All states that are complete can be shown to the classroom, and then will go into our classroom library for students to read as they please.
In addition, the state they have chosen gets to also be colored in on our large map found in our classroom hallway!

2. Postcard Exchange
Our classroom has been signed up for a nationwide postcard exchange! Which means we will (hopefully) get 49 other postcards from around the nation.
And...since we are getting postcards, we also need to send out postcards to those states we are receiving from.
Our postcards need to be out through snail mail by the end of February.
In order to do this, I need a little help from classroom families. I am asking that each student bring 2-3 Michigan Postcards into class with a stamp on every postcard they contribute. Postcards could be all about Michigan or any other region within Michigan. Please have all postcards in by Feb. 1. That way we can have all postcards filled out and addressed in time to send them out before the end of February.

 If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to contact me! 

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