Classroom Volunteers

Last week I sent out a classroom volunteer/helper schedule
for our classroom. I only have the months of October and November to sign up
for. Times are the same Monday-Friday from 10:05 - 11:10.
Please sign up if you would like to come in and help out with
our classroom book clubs! The link is below.
Thank you!
Some have asked as far what type of donations we need for our classroom. We are all set on Kleenex's and pencils for the moment. Thank you!! Clorox wipes we use each day, but go through fast.
Some have asked as far what type of donations we need for our classroom. We are all set on Kleenex's and pencils for the moment. Thank you!! Clorox wipes we use each day, but go through fast.
Besides the basic necessities of the daily grind, we also have an Amazon Wish List that is filled with "wants" in connection to our learning.
The link is below and also to the right of the blog.
You have all been so generous with donations to our classroom! Thank you for all your continued support!
Box Tops

We are starting to collect box tops!
The classroom that collects the most Box Top by October 22 gets a prize!!
Please keep collecting!