Sunday, September 30, 2018


Classroom Volunteers
Last week I sent out a classroom volunteer/helper schedule for our classroom. I only have the months of October and November to sign up for. Times are the same Monday-Friday from 10:05 - 11:10.
Please sign up if you would like to come in and help out with our classroom book clubs! The link is below.
Thank you!

Some have asked as far what type of donations we need for our classroom. We are all set on Kleenex's and pencils for the moment. Thank you!! Clorox wipes we use each day, but go through fast. 
Besides the basic necessities of the daily grind, we also have an Amazon Wish List that is filled with "wants" in connection to our learning. 
Image result for amazon wish list clipart
The link is below and also to the right of the blog.
You have all been so generous with donations to our classroom! Thank you for all your continued support!

Box Tops
Image result for box tops clipart
We are starting to collect box tops! 
The classroom that collects the most Box Top by October 22 gets a prize!!
Please keep collecting!

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Move A Thon

 Friday, October 12
Second grade is MOVING at 9:25
Please register your child(ren) for the Move-A-Thon
Click on the yellow star at the top right to get started. 
Registered students that receive at least one donation will get a prize!  
Donations may be made by cash, check (payable to: Westwoods PTO) or online. 
Students that raise $150 or more will get a special prize and the classroom that raises the most will also get a prize.
Pledge forms below went home on Thursday.
Students can bring their own water bottles on the day of the Move-a-thon. 
Volunteers will be needed to both count laps and run our snack table, please sign up if you can help! 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Classroom Volunteers

Come October and beyond we would love to invite in classroom volunteers!
Image result for classroom volunteers
Duties would include helping with our literacy hour from 10:05-11:05. During that hour we have book clubs, computer work, and different center activities. Each day students get to dabble in it all!
Classroom volunteers/helpers are a huge resource that help make this hour successful! The adult assistance needed will be to help students in book clubs to stay focused, ask question, make connections, and to also enjoy a good read with some fabulous kids!

If volunteering in our classroom is something you would like to do, you first need to please complete the online TCAPS volunteering applications form. Link is below.
online TCAPS volunteer application form

 After that is completed please click on the classroom helpers link below to find a date(s) that work for you!
Thank you!!
Classroom Helpers

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


This week we are continuing to build understanding on information texts. We have two focus read alouds:
Helping Paws
These informational text describe a familiar subject with all students - dogs! Students will regularly encounter those kind of text in textbooks, through research, and for independent reading. The text contains some how-to elements. Through our reading students will also encounter some informational text features:
bulleted lists
feature boxes
Our key learning objectives are to 
Read to understand the author's purpose
Compare and contrast information
Learn about dogs that help people with disabilities
Understand how captions tell about pictures

Below is our focus wall for the week that shows all students what to expect for the week and what will be continuously returning throughout each days instruction and activities.

Vocabulary cards this week! 
 Ask your child to explain what each vocabulary word is and if they can use it in a sentence.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Updates & Reminders!

Image result for reminders clipart
Picture Day!!
September 28
Please make sure your child has either their picture envelope into school by this Friday or you have prepaid for pictures online. 

Fall Lunch Grill Out
 September 28
Second Grade 12:15

Our first Lunch Grill Out of the year is planned!
Everyone is welcome to join us for lunch. Bring a beach towel or picnic blanket! 
Student lunch is $2.75 and Adult lunch is $3.85. You are also welcome to pack your own picnic lunch. The menu for the Grill Out is available HERE 

Popcorn Fridays
Every Friday the PTO make and deliver over 400 bags of popcorn to the students at Westwoods. They do this in an hour and a half on Friday afternoons. If you would like to help bag and deliver popcorn on Friday afternoons please sign up here! Volunteers are always needed!

Box Tops
We are starting to collect box tops! Please send in all and any box tops you have!
The classroom that collects the most Box Top by October 22, 2018 will get a prize. WAHOO!

Oleson’s Receipts
Help Westwoods Girl Scouts get FREE MONEY for the school! Oleson's gives back 1% of total receipt. They never expire. Please spread the word to family, friends and coworkers to help collect. Receipts can be turned into office. Over $500 was raised for the school in the last year and the Girl Scouts would like your help to double that, this year! We just need Oleson receipts (not Tom's... and alcohol/ tobacco purchases cannot included!) with "community share" points (located at the bottom of each receipt).

Friday, September 21, 2018


This week we have another new math website we are using!
Image result for freckle icon
If students would like to use this at home, here is the login information.
Click - student sign in

First Name: students first name
Last Name: FIRST letter of students last name
Class Code: 3w6wdx

Friendly Letters

This week we learned how to write a friendly letter. 
Students should be able to identify and label the five parts of a letter. 
While writing a friendly letter, students were also able to: 
use commas correctly
write a body about something that happened in their family
elaborate on their details. 

Mrs. McNitt's Peace Class

This Thursday we started our Peace Lessons with Mrs. Sulecki! Most kids already know what to expect with Peace Lessons, since many classrooms last year did this. However, this year we will build on previous years topics as well as come up with a new class name!
Mrs. McNitt's Peace Class
Mrs. Sulecki is always the one who has lead peace talks. She is our school social worker, who we all know and love. We will have our peace lessons each Thursday afternoon for twenty minutes.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Constitution Day!

Today we celebrate Constitution Day!
Image result for constitution day clipart
We talked about what it means to have rights and responsibility as a second grade citizen. We read through a Scholastic, did a whole group and partner activity, and then we watched a Brain Pop video. 
Ask your child what their rights and responsibilities are at school AND at home
We had an awesome discussion!


Saturday, September 15, 2018

Home Websites

This week students were assigned their own stay at school! This is very exciting for second grade. It is the first year we are one to one on computers!
Image result for computer clipart
Along with getting their computer, students were introduced to new websites we are slowly implementing. Thanks to our PTO, we were able to purchase a few educational websites for classroom and home use. Two you have seen come home today with logins for your child.
Sum Dog is a math based website.
The log in page below your child brought home this past Friday with all their info.

Epic Books is a reading based website that opens up books of interest to that user.
At the bottom of their Sum Dog login page they wrote their necessary info. If it didn't get completed correctly, here is what it should say.
sign in (top right corner)
Classroom Code is UVR-7921

If you have any additional questions or concerns please let me know.

Picture Day

Picture day for Westwoods is Friday, September 28th
All picture forms for our classroom went home on this past Friday. If you would like to fill out the form and send it in before our picture day feel free. I will hold on to it.
If not, please make sure your child has their order form by the day of the 29th.
Thank you!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Sept. Scholastic Book Order

Our first Scholastic Book Order went home for September!

If you would like me to place your order by sending the catalog order back to school then please follow directions stated on the catalog. Please also remember to write a check with any orders made out to Scholastic Book Club for the exact amount. (One check for the total amount).  Please NO CASH
If you would like to turn in an order please have it back to school by
Monday, September 17

If you are completing your order online, you are welcome to make your order when you want, whenever you want, as many times as you want.  
Our Class Activation Code HFPT3

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Math Mountains

We have been doing a lot of exploring with addition and subtraction equations. What we know and what we need to work on. 
A tool that has been a helpful resource this week have been Math Mountain Cards. These show a total (in all) at the top and two addends (partners) at the bottom. These give a visual representation of a total breaking apart into smaller numbers (addends). 
Math Mountains helps with:
Addition: Having two addends at the bottom to add together making a top total
Subtraction: Having a top total and needing to find an unknown addend
Students have learned to write addition and subtraction fact family equations that they can make from a variety of mountain cards.

* You will notice students bringing home math mountain cards of their own to cut out. Please have your child cut these out and use as math cards at home. 

Learning Buddies

We began our year long adventure with our fourth grade friends of Mrs. DePlaunty's classroom. They will be our learning buddies once a week! 
We meet on Tuesdays, in the afternoon, for 30 minutes. Mrs. DePlaunty and I select different themes for the week, whether it be reading, math, or a fun STEM project for all buddies to participate in. This keeps the students engaged and eager, ready and excited for the next time we meet with our learning buddies! 
Today we met our fourth grade friends and read outside on this beautiful day! It was nice to not only enjoy the sunshine but to also meet our future learning buddies! 
We are going to have an awesome year exchanging learning experiences with our fourth grade friends!