Saturday, September 15, 2018

Home Websites

This week students were assigned their own stay at school! This is very exciting for second grade. It is the first year we are one to one on computers!
Image result for computer clipart
Along with getting their computer, students were introduced to new websites we are slowly implementing. Thanks to our PTO, we were able to purchase a few educational websites for classroom and home use. Two you have seen come home today with logins for your child.
Sum Dog is a math based website.
The log in page below your child brought home this past Friday with all their info.

Epic Books is a reading based website that opens up books of interest to that user.
At the bottom of their Sum Dog login page they wrote their necessary info. If it didn't get completed correctly, here is what it should say.
sign in (top right corner)
Classroom Code is UVR-7921

If you have any additional questions or concerns please let me know.

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