Thursday, September 6, 2018

Postcard Exchange

I know you all saw this in my newsletter that went home during open house, but I want to send out a reminder post as well.
Our classroom has been signed up for a nationwide postcard exchange! 
By Sept. 21st I would love for all students to have turned in:

* 2-3 BLANK Michigan Postcards (welcome to send more)
Postcards could be all about Michigan or any other region within Michigan.
* Each postcard needs a stamp

We are sending out are postcards to the surrounding states by October 1st. 

From Sept. 21st until our send out date in October students will be writing messages to the other schools that signed up. Then we will address all cards and get them in the mail! 
Then hopefully soon after that we will start receiving all our postcards from other states!! That is the most exciting part!

Thank you so much! Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.

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