Monday, November 30, 2020

Journeys Lesson 10

Within Lesson 10, and throughout our week, we will be focusing on a variety of new concepts, but also practicing and building on topics already learned. 
We also have two new texts that are of use when it comes to new concepts being reinforced.
Jellies: The Life of Jellyfish
Genre: Informational Text
Most children are fascinated by animals - as pets, in the wild, creepy, or exotic. This informational text helps children understand what particular physical features jellyfish have that help them survive.
This text will identify reasons to support a fact or an opinion while also identifying the author's purpose for writing the text.

Splash Photography
Genre: Informational Text
Children will regularly encounter informational text in textbooks, on the internet, and through other media. This text gives factual information about a familiar topic - photography - and will expand on children's knowledge of the topic with details about underwater photography.
Students will use a diagram to enhance understanding and discuss how labels help to clarify information in a text. 

Sunday, November 29, 2020


Henry's Puffin WITH goggles!

Lainey's Cat

Elena's unicorn, cat & Olaf!

Aiden's Dog!

Bobby's turkey!

Logan's Balloons!

Macy's Frog!

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Monday, November 23, 2020

November Scholastic Book Sponsor

 Thank you to the Gilland and Howe families for being our November book sponsor!!

Kids selected their choice of books and now they are patiently waiting in my classroom for students to grab and read when we are back face to face!

So generous of you & we appreciate it greatly!

Friday, November 20, 2020


THANK YOU for a great week! Your kids did awesome on Monday and Tuesday in the craziness of learning face to face and preparing for the upcoming virtual. Then they rocked the last three days of virtual! Loved all the conversation, discussion, collaboration and participation! Be proud of your little ones!
See everyone Monday and Tuesday for more learning, sprinkled in with some Thanksgiving celebrating!

McNitt Virtual Schedule

Click the virtual link above if you would like to see the schedule larger and be able to click on the hyperlinks.
I did add a couple book clubs to the week. Please look to see when your child need to attend. We are taking attendance for both morning and afternoon meets. Thank you for all your support and understanding this week!!

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Nov./Dec. Scholastic Book Order

Class Order Due Date: Wednesday, Nov. 18
Connect to Our Class Page:
McNitt Class Code: HFPT3

Shop the flyers for your child's grade together: Digital Scholastic Catalogs
Please feel free to forward the Class Page link to extended family and friends who may want to support your child's reading.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Journeys: Lesson 8

This week we are introducing new concepts in Journeys while learning about different types of weather and storms. Very engaging!!

Our new text this week are:
Super Storms
Genre: Informational Text
This text provides facts about a familiar topic: different kinds of storms.
Photos (graphic features) with captions will provide additional details about storms and ways to measure their effects. Students will also be identifying the main idea and details in a selection and discussing the cause and effect of storms.
Weather Poems
Genre: Poetry
Three poems about weather will allow students to compare perspectives, imagery, and the use of repetition. They will learn about how the sound of words can show images and feelings in poetry. They will also discuss repetition as a device used in poetry.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Election Day!

Today the students and I went over what is an election and what is the job of the president. We did not get into political views of each candidate and we did not express our voting preference on candidates. 

Instead we made it a little more kid friendly...

During power hour students had their own Scholastic that is coming home today. They did a large majority of it and figured the rest could be save for tomorrow, election day. The Scholastic News, Can a Kid Be President?, is in Google Classroom and they have a hard copy with them. It teaches the kids why kids can't be president and what they would do if they were president. Great magazine!

After learning about the process we read a story, Duck for President. While reading we decided who we would want for president, based on the book and the information we had. Duck or Farmer Brown? Then students voted! We had ballots and a ballot box. Then we graphed our results and filled in the bar graph. They had a lot of fun with it while it came with cheering and many more questions. Their curiosity is coming home to you :)

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Happy Halloween!

 Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!
Just as we hoped we finished our academics Monday through Thursday. That was BUSY! 
Friday we had a BLAST getting into the spirit of Halloween! Since we could not do parties and costumes, we instead had a FULL day of Poke a Pumpkin! 

Each student had their own cup filled with an activity for the whole class to do. Yes...25 activities! We built witches hats, haunted houses, and broom sticks. Stamped spiders, drew chalk pumpkin patches, showed our athletic abilities and dance moves, heard stories, shared our costumes, enjoyed a tasty treat (after being quarantined for days) and much more. By 2:00 we were ready to relax and watch The One and Only Ivan!

I went home from a crazy fun day totally exhausted. Hope your child had just as much fun!